Get a Merchant Account Today…
Our trusted partner, ProcessUSA, helps 1,000s of businesses worldwide accept credit card payments online. They’re on standby to help your business, too.
One of the most questions we get asked is how cheaply can one get a small business merchant account?
It depends somewhat on where you live, but generally speaking, unless you’re in one of 10-15 “high-risk” countries, there are options for you.
What’s more, with all the contact we have with merchant account providers, we’ve managed to track down a small list of accounts that we believe offer both cheap prices, but also quality of service to go with that.
Sure, if you search around you’ll find lots of cheap or free merchant accounts. Of course you will, it’s a highly profitable yet competetive industry, much like mortgages or credit cards.
But you to be certain you’re dealing with a reputable company (that won’t run off with your hard earned profits) and that will offer the level of support you need. No situations where their computers go down meaning your site cannot accept credit cards until they get theirs back online. Regular, timely payments to you. And customer support staff to answer any questions you may have as time goes on.
We’ve seen a lot of poor companies over the years, many of whom have emailed asking to be featured on our site. And when we actually investigated them and their offering fully it simply didn’t add up to a good deal.
(Incidentally, if you want to read an example of a company we haven’t been impressed with, read our Vantage review).
So what cheap small business merchant accounts do we recommend?
For those merchants not based in the US, we now recommend 2CheckOut. You can click here to read the full review.

Get a Merchant Account Today…
Our trusted partner, Entrust Bankcard, helps 1,000s of businesses worldwide accept credit card payments online. They’re on standby to help your business, too.
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